Established by the Chicago Convention in 1944, ICAO is a United Nations agency, created to help countries share their skies to their mutual benefit.

ICAO, through the ICAO Secretariat, is funded and directed by 193 Nations and States and provides technical, legal, and administrative support for their air transport cooperation in adopting standards, practices, and policies for international civilian flight.  It also develops programmes, guidance materials, and closely integrated auditing, training, and implementation support initiatives to help countries benefit and prosper from their improved compliancewith global norms, thereby allowing worldwide alignment of air regulations and procedures, and a truly global aviation network to connect and unite the world.

You can learn more about ICAO by following this link, ICAO Home

Safe Skies, Sustainable Future

ICAO will be launching a series of short films, as well as executive summary pieces, which will be highlighting industry best practice from organisations and individuals, who will be contributing positive and lasting changes to the issues facing civil aviation.

Key and core topics to be covered include:- 

Safety, Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency, Security and Facilitation, Economic Development of Air Transport and Environmental Protection

These films and the accompanying recommendations and guidelines will be found on ICAO.TV, on the DocuSeries‘ dedicated hub on reuters.com , as well as the program’s own dedicated website. This series will be a look at all those organisations, who are advancing the cause of improving civil aviation for current and future generations. We will be reporting and showcasing industry pioneers, who can be considered as thought leaders, innovators, and primary product and service solution providers, dedicated to advancing the cause of positive impact upon the global civil aviation ecosystem.

Gala Launch and Film Awards

To further highlight the importance of the DocuSeries, it will be officially launched on XX at ICAO’s headquarters in Montreal, Canada and be seen to be kicking off ICAO’s Air Navigation Conference, which is one of the most important events in the ICAO calendar as all of the 1

The gala launch will be a VIP event for all film participants and include a film awards ceremony for films in each category.

With the most senior representation in town, from ICAO’s 193 nation/state members, as well as the wider ICAO friends and family circle, who will all be invited to the Gala Launch, the evening will also be an incredible networking opportunity due to the number and concentration of Governmental and business aviation and transport decision makers, in one room, at the same time